
Hi! My name is Dan.


I'm a Motion Graphics, Animation student from Kings Park, NY. Currently, my focus is in vector and 2D animation, though I have a hand in 3D animation and modeling as well.

My first plunge into the art world was the video game Pokémon Gold, on Nintendo's handheld Gameboy Color system. Since then, I've had a fascination for video games and artwork in general, captivated by a world in my pocket with creatures of eclectic designs. At a young age, inspiration took over and I felt the need to pick up a pencil and sketch out my own ideas of fantastical monsters. Drawing as a whole felt natural, even if looking back I wasn't very good at it, so in the process I decided I wanted to do this for a living.

If you're interested, take a look at my resume if you wish to see my credentials, or if you just want to print it.